The Tapestry Project: Weaving the Strands of NET Care

Effecting change may begin with one voice, or even two…but in order to see results, I believe it takes multiple voices and cooperation among the many who have a stake in future outcomes.

It reminds me of a tapestry artist with a vision in mind who has to go through the process of choosing colors and painstakingly weaving them together in order to achieve the desired piece.

It is out of this image that the Healing NET Tapestry Project has grown. At this year’s Healing NET Summit, we interviewed people who are invested in NET care. There are many more voices to hear and faces to see out there, like yours! We are excited to have you join us in this effort! We want to read your words, see your photos, watch your videos. See a video to get a taste of this effort and find out how you can participate.

Building Healing NET Foundation has been a step by step process that began with a conversation between a patient and a doctor who saw a big need for helping patients whose doctor didn’t understand their disease and educating those providers to better diagnose and treat the disease. It was necessary to bring together other patients, caregivers, colleagues, and physicians as we formed a Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Committee. Initiatives like the NET Primer (now updated in a 2nd edition), travel grants and physician exchanges came to fruition from those efforts. Industry support led to the Healing NET International Summit, and networking continues among NET physicians, nurses, advanced providers, and researchers here and abroad.

It takes all these voices and perspectives to work together with a common desire or “thread” to help NET patients achieve the right treatment, by the right team, at the right time. Optimizing care is at the heart of Healing NET's mission.