Feel Good by Doing Good

Doing good does a person good. You may find that is true of your personal experience, but it’s also a finding of research. When a person volunteers or contributes to a cause, it can even lower blood pressure. Stephanie Watson, reporting on a Carnegie Mellon study in the Harvard Health Blog, noted that: “The Greek philosopher Aristotle once surmised that the essence of life is ‘To serve others and do good.’ If recent research is any indication, serving others might also be the essence of good health.”

“Operation Preparation” can be a way you can feel good by doing good. Your leadership in creating an online social FUNdraiser for Healing NET Foundation gets you involved in doing good. It’s easy. You tell your story or connection to NETs, upload a photo that reflects you or your connection, and share the page with friends! Not only will it make you feel good, but will hopefully boost the health of your friends who get involved! But let’s take it a step further. It might even touch people you have never met.

One of the challenges of a diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors is that many people are not aware of the disease and its impact. Creating a social fundraiser is not only a chance to raise funds for an important cause, but also a great opportunity to raise awareness. The more people who have heard of this disease, the better. You never know who you might touch. An undiagnosed patient? A caregiver who needs inspiration? A physician who needs education? Or maybe a media or business person who could take awareness a step further!
Design a FUNdraise that catches on, and you can have impact on many fronts. We hope to receive your application today! Click here to sign up!